Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Van

OK Dave Ramsey I am really trying to keep this van until it drops dead, but it is getting more expensive to keep than it is worth. The air conditioning has quit that's $1500.00 the wipers only work on high cost to repair $989.00 the catalytic converter has two holes in it haven't checked out the cost on it yet and a small ouch which is beginning to get worse so I put a bandage on it . I found the pink duck tape at Wallgreens now I feel pretty powerful wonder if it would patch the holes in catalytic converter? Forgot to say my Van is a 1999 and she takes licking but keeps on ticking really grateful to have her.It's a beautiful day think I may give the ole girl a bath and clean the inside ,kind of remind you of anything if we give the Lord all the bad stuff he will help us clean up the inside and replace it with good stuff.Don't know about you but I surrender what have you got to loose ? Just give Him a try and the stuff won't seem so important any more.Be blessed
Hebrews13:20 NIV May the God of peace... work in us what is pleasing to Him.

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